Legen... wait for it.... DAIRY!
Okay I've been watching too much How I Met Your Mother. But I thought the phrase was very appropriate for what I'm about to announce. Yes, dear friends, I am DEBT-FREE!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ha! Also I'm 2 weeks shy from turning 27 and that marks some significant changes that will be taking place... but more on that later. At the moment I feel terrific, due in part to the new exercise regime we (that is TheHusband and I) have embarked on. Although, I guess one always feels good at the start of something like this. It's the keeping-it-up part that's usually the clincher... But I'm confident that this time we won't be giving it up. Getting started in winter is probably the most difficult time, so if we can make it through, it will be plain sailing come summer time and it's longer sunshine-y days.
I iz gymbunneh... Well, maybe not quite!
WOW! congrats on debt free! That is amazing!!
-rachelgogan swapbot
Thanks, it feels awesome! And now finally we've started to save. :-)
Im so jealous... i cant even see the chance of being debt free and uve done it before ur 27! WHAT THE!! Congrats! it must feel amazing!! Lol at the pic too.. made me laugh lots :)
CDonovan - Swapbot
Well, to be fair, I didn't have any study debt - that makes a huge difference! It was just credit card & retail account debt - horrible, I know.
Congrats, always nice with a fresh start :)
Congrats to being dept free! that has to feel amazing :)
Hi there, just popping along to say hello from Scotland (via Swapbot).
Keep up the blog posts.
I loved your Cyborg - I just had to add it to my blog.
You too like the postcard swap - it is great fun.
Debt free is an amazing accomplishment, congrads, and I loooovee the cow pic.
I followed you
I bet being debt free is a wonderful feeling. I don't know if I will ever feel that - too much university debt... The husband and I also started a workout routine recently. We hike three days a week together, and I do weights and muscle toning two days without him. I hate every minute of it, but he swears he notices a difference already. I think he's just being nice so I don't quit :-)
Wow. Congrats on being debt free, many people never reach that, so at 27, i would be very proud!!
Being debt free is such a good feeling! I'm almost there, but still have a ways to go!
Congrats on being debt free!!! I hope you are enjoying being 27 and indeed didn't give up the exercise regime! Sounds wonderful. I'm envious. I try and try but fail each time. Won't stop me from trying again. :D
- Kiwi / CarbonxKiwi (SB)
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